What do Endurance Athletes Teach Us?
People who push themselves physically are much calmer when it comes to life stresses because they have trained to be with discomfort. Long-distance runners, cyclists, triathletes, mountain climbers and endurance athletes in general can teach us a lot about how to deal with the current situation. The pandemic feels like a marathon and marathon’s require patience. Initially COVID-19 felt like running an 800 m sprint but now it feels like a marathon or more likely an ultra-marathon. Unlike endurance athletes, who choose to participate in prolonged and grueling events, we did not sign up for COVID-19. Yet there is so much we can learn from their experience on how to move through extended periods of discomfort. Patience, Pacing, Process and Purpose are four important aspects guiding successful endurance athletes. Patience “If you are kind to yourself, most of the time you’ll get through the dark spot in a better mood and without wasting precious energy rumi...