The Motivation Contagion – every person matters

"The makeup of your social circle has profound implications for your own behavior" Brad Stulberg & Steve Magness Fitness is contagious. Who impacts that the most? The least fit person in your group. Researchers found: "If half of your friends were to become among the least fit for reasons unrelated to you, your own fitness level would drop by nearly 20 percent…" It turns out that motivation can function almost like a disease. It is contagious and can work its way through your peer group in the same way that the flu potentially can. To coaches, teachers, managers, leaders or anyone who deals with motivating groups of people this shouldn’t sound too surprising. It’s referred to as “team culture.” In 2010, the US Air Force Academy set out to understand why some cadets increase their fitness while others do not. They tracked the cohort of cadets over 4 years. Cadets spent a vast majority of their time interacting with peers in their squadron where the squadron was ...