Boys Don’t Cry

“I admire a man who can burst into tears, who clobbers the stiff upper lip image of the British male at a stroke by letting the tears flow, unashamedly unchecked. And remains undeniably manly.” Rebecca Marjorie Proops, Journalist emotion noun a strong feeling deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others. The 2022 FIFA World Cup got me thinking on one interesting topic that I thought was worth penning down. While sports has been an acceptable area where emotions are allowed to be let out by men, I paid more attention to it this time. This is something that goes against all social norms. Where else have you seen men express themselves freely without thinking of being judged? Sports allows us that freedom of expressing emotions freely (apart from all other things that sports teaches us). Since ancient Greece, sports has remained one of the only socially acceptabl...